Pelvic pain / Painful sex

Note: Most resources about unwanted painful sex assume that the person with pain is cisgender (ie. not trans, gender diverse or non-binaryand heterosexual. This limits the information and can alienate people with diverse genders, bodies and sexualities. My hope is that people can take what is useful and relevant for them from the resources below.


Jean Hailes – Painful sex (dyspareunia)

Pelvic Pain Foundation – Introduction to Pelvic Pain 2019 booklet

Pelvic Pain Foundation – Pelvic Pain in Women

National Vulvodynia Association


Why Pelvic Pain Hurts by Adriaan Louw, Sandra Hilton & Carolyn Vandyken

When Sex Hurts by Andrew Goldstein, Caroline Pukall and Irwin Goldstein

Blog Posts

Painful Gyne Exams: First Steps to Good Care

Painful Sex: Empowered Help Seeking